Full Episode,
Year 2,

Year 2 Episode 4: Babe Ruth, Happiness, and Piggy Banks

March 28, 2018

The Wild Pitch Podcast Year 2 Episode 4

This Week on The Wild Pitch Podcast: It’s time to celebrate Manatees! Keith and Jaysin join Derek in sunny Minnesota to pitch some amazing pitches and try to catch a glimpse of the lake dwelling bovine of the sea. We talk about spirit animals and lots of manatee facts. One of us makes an unforgivable Simpsons snafu (hint: He still feels like a dolt). The pitches are particularly goofy this week and Keith must’ve had caffeine at breakfast!

Jaysin pitches an exciting investment opportunity
Keith pitches an exciting money making opportunity
Derek pitches an exciting new Saturday Morning Cartoon

This episode of the Wild Pitch is brought to you by Advanced Sagebrush & Shootouts

Host: Derek Glascock
Produced by Derek Glascock
Wheezing Laugh: Derek Glascock
wild pitch podcast

Contact The Wild Pitch Podcast:

Think you’ve got a great or even better pitch? Let’s hear it and the best ones will get played on an upcoming mini-episode.
Wild Pitch Pitch Hotline: (872)256-8780

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