Full Episode,

Episode 21: Detroit, Deodorant, and Blood Lust

November 22, 2017

The Wild Pitch Podcast Episode 21

This Week on The Wild Pitch Podcast: A couple of newcomers make their way to the pitching arena. Bumble from the absurdly weird Podject Podcast and Bill (who is from the land down under) from the Escape This Podcast try their hand at slinging the good stuff, and they come through with some killer concepts. Find out which one of us is a super hero with weird powers, which one of us is really into bees, and who hates bad haircuts.

Bumble pitches a Service
Bill pitches a Movie
Derek pitches a Structure

This episode of the Wild Pitch is brought to you by Bear Juice

Host: Derek Glascock
Produced by Derek Glascock

wild pitch podcast

Contact The Wild Pitch Podcast:

Think you’ve got a great or even better pitch? Let’s hear it and the best ones will get played on an upcoming mini-episode.
Wild Pitch Pitch Hotline: (872)256-8780
Episode Art by: Angel Onofre
instagram: @angelonofre

Email: hello@wildpitchpodcast.com
Twitter: @WildPitchCast
Instagram: @WildPitchCast
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PlayerFM: http://player.fm/series/the-wild-pitch

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