Full Episode,

Episode 1: Fort Worth, Toothbrush, and Towel

February 15, 2017

The Wild Pitch Podcast Episode 1

Hello everyone!Derek welcomes Jaysin Osterkamp (Half Hearted Headache) and Jamie Schaedler (Aim Down Sights Podcast) to the show. They pitch their pitches for the week and discuss other fun things like movie theater etiquette and chainmail.

Jaysin pitches a TV Show
Derek pitches a Movie
Jamie pitches Oral Hygiene 

Wild Pitch Podcast

Contact The Wild Pitch Podcast:

Think you’ve got a great or even better pitch? Let’s hear it and the best ones will get played on an upcoming mini-episode.
Wild Pitch Pitch Hotline: (872)256-8780
Episode Art by: Angel Onofre
instagram: @angelonofre

Email: hello@wildpitchpodcast.com
Twitter: @WildPitchCast
Instagram: @WildPitchCast
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PlayerFM: http://player.fm/series/the-wild-pitch

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