Full Episode,
Year 2,

Year 2 Episode 6: Gravedigger, Sperm Whale, and FOMO

April 25, 2018

The Wild Pitch Podcast Year 2 Episode 6

This Week on The Wild Pitch Podcast: We are hugging plumbers (or at least trying to) and pitching pitches. Long time friends of the show Harland and Keith join Derek in the Mobile Pitch Pitch in the middle of Americana. This is possibly the best collection of pitches the show has seen to date. It took a little longer to edit due to sickness, but alas… here it is! Find out which of us is a plumber, whose mom has a dirty, dirty secret, and who can’t handle a spoon. The pitches are lively and the episode is a ton of fun.

Harland pitches a disturbing service
Keith pitches a TCG
Derek pitches a smart business decision


Host: Derek Glascock
Produced by Derek Glascock
Wheezing Laugh: Derek Glascock
wild pitch podcast

Contact The Wild Pitch Podcast:

Think you’ve got a great or even better pitch? Let’s hear it and the best ones will get played on an upcoming mini-episode.
Wild Pitch Pitch Hotline: (872)256-8780

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“Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.”  – William Plomer

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